Sunday, September 02, 2007

Leaping for joy

That's what I was just doing - well, bouncing around my loungeroom grinning delightedly - within a minute of putting the new The Polyphonic Spree album, The Fragile Army, in my CD player. The opening track, 'Section 21 [Together We're Heavy]' brought a gap-toothed grin to my face and had me literally dancing/bouncing/pogoing around my cluttered loungeroom, swept up by a sudden outpouring of euphoria and delight.

"It's like running away with the wind in our faces, like flying,
And you and I are open wide."

A self-described 'choral symphonic rock group' from Texas, the 20-plus strong band are best known for performing in flowing robes (which they've swaped for black uniforms on this new release), and performing songs which some consider twee and articifically happy; but which hit me all the impact of love at first sight, to which I respond with a gasp of joy and tears of happiness welling up in my eyes (and yes, I am foolishly romantic and a fool for love, when I'm lucky enough to find it from time to time). I've even heard the band described as cult-like. Wow, cynical much?

Their gig at The Palace a couple of years ago remains a delightful memory for me; especially their encore, when the band emerged from the back of the room and wended their way through the crowd, singing as they went; I'm smiling again just thinking about it, actually.

I'm going to go back to listening to The Fragile Army again now. Expect to hear it played fairly regularly in the coming weeks on SmartArts!

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